Manitoba ORV

Plate Reporter Date
6180B Manny Jacob 1/07/25
0888B Manny Jacob 7/24/24
6302A Manny Jacob 7/13/24
8R428 Andrew Osborne 2/09/24
5R252 Manny Jacob 12/29/23
8P002 Andrew Osborne 11/15/23
3P717 Manny Jacob 2/23/23
8N654 Andrew Osborne 6/26/22
6N100 Manny Jacob 6/03/22
6W778 Manny Jacob 5/28/22
7M878 Andrew Osborne 5/24/22
3J062 Manny Jacob 8/18/19
6R626 Andrew Osborne 4/28/19
4K510 Andrew Osborne 7/20/18
1K341 Manny Jacob 12/10/17
8H787 Manny Jacob 11/01/15
4G933 Andrew Osborne 10/02/15
9F346 Manny Jacob 4/26/14
6E494 Andrew Osborne 7/08/13
6D761 Andrew Osborne 8/19/12
1C660 Andrew Osborne 10/18/11
5A296 Andrew Osborne 6/17/11
900Z8 Andrew Osborne 1/25/10
118Z4? Andrew Osborne 6/15/09
113Z4? Andrew Osborne 5/30/09
243Y8? Andrew Osborne 1/26/09
154Y4? Andrew Osborne 8/06/08
328Y3 Andrew Osborne 6/14/08
838X5 Manny Jacob 5/25/08
273X4? Darryl Antoniw 5/11/08
170X4 Andrew Osborne 7/17/07
901W1 Manny Jacob 6/29/07
90W1 Andrew Osborne 1/27/07
840V3 Manny Jacob 11/13/06
756U8 Andrew Osborne 3/16/06
608U5 Manny Jacob 11/30/05
370T2 Manny Jacob 1/31/05

Per Andy Osborne, 0888B was very likely pulled ahead out of sequence as a favour to someone wanting a cool number.

Small 5 x 8" size painted black on yellow Off Road Vehicle (ORV) plates were introduced for all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles and other off road machines in 1988. Reflectorized plates appeared in 2008 starting with the 1X9 - 999X9 series which then moved to numbering format 9A999 in 2010. Snowmobiles which use the extensive "Snoman" trail system attached a small sticker to their plate until they were moved to the new orange Snoman plate in December 2015. Issuance of yellow plates for remaining ORV vehicle types (including a separate series for ORV dealers) continues with numerous changes in dies, sheeting, stickers and sticker boxes and numbering. Artwork here displays features of the latest version. Data courtesy Andrew Osborne.