Hawaii Hawai'i

Plate Reporter Date
ZMS 178 Pat 11/16/24
ZMM 102 Pat 6/23/24
ZML 288 Pat 6/17/24
ZMJ 202 Pat 4/17/24
ZLX 437 Brett Weisbrot 4/07/24
ZLW 529 Alex Iannotti 6/18/23
ZLN 224 John Northup 11/28/22
ZKY 968 Ethan Craft 3/16/22
ZKX 819 Ethan Craft 3/15/22
ZKV 720 Ethan Craft 3/11/22
ZKH 034 Daniel Creager 11/05/21
ZJN 356 Brian 7/09/20
ZJJ 468 Brian 2/27/20
ZJH 564 Brian 2/21/20
ZJB 266 Steve Hill 9/18/19
ZHH 897 Steve Hill 7/04/19
ZHH 047 Steve Hill 12/15/18
ZGP 896 Steve Hill 10/02/18
ZGG 553 Steve Hill 9/11/18
ZGD 478 Steve Hill 8/23/18
ZEZ 230 Steve Hill 5/01/18
ZEM 991 Paul Freeze 2/16/16
ZEM 644 Neal Evenhuis 8/24/15
ZDX 643 Neal Evenhuis 1/04/15
ZDC 810 Rick Morrison 8/10/14
ZDC 106 Rick Morrison 7/13/14
ZDC 070 Rick Morrison 7/05/14
ZCP 293 Rick Morrison 6/18/14
ZCH 742 Andy DeCeunynck 2/13/14
ZCH 012 Neal Evenhuis 1/03/14
ZCE### Ed Richter 9/23/13
ZBP 510 Neal Evenhuis 4/11/13
ZBB 809 Neal Evenhuis 2/20/13
ZBA 887 Neal Evenhuis 10/12/12
ZAW 678 Neal Evenhuis 8/14/12
ZAN 802 Neal Evenhuis 7/17/12
ZAJ 485 Kyle Wasson 6/28/12
ZAE 940 Neal Evenhuis 12/23/11
HMZ 036 Neal Evenhuis 8/12/11
HMP 860 Andy DeCeunynck 2/09/11
HMJ 934 Neal Evenhuis 12/25/10
HMC 421 Kyle Wasson 10/28/10
HMA 086 Kyle Wasson 6/27/10
HLU 454 Dirk Starck 1/26/10
HKY 977 Neal Evenhuis 6/20/08
HKJ 655 Neal Evenhuis 3/20/08
HJZ 998 Neal Evenhuis 7/20/07
HJY 200 Neal Evenhuis 2/22/07
HJJ 958 Neal Evenhuis 5/29/06
HHB 187 Neal Evenhuis 1/02/05
HJC 221 Andrew Osborne 6/13/04
HAV 095 Neal Evenhuis 3/19/01
HYU 894 Eric Tanner 8/27/00
ZMS 178

Started at HN-, then HP-, HR-, HS-, HT-, HV-, HW- then HU-, followed by HX through HZ-, then HA- through HM-. Based on the wear and tear seen on the plates of the Big Island, it is likely that the HZ- series was issued sometime later than its sequence would indicate; they looked much newer than HA-, for example. Other than HGA, no HG- plates were seen on the Big Island; not sure if they were ever issued. Unlike Kauai, both Hawaii and Maui Counties share letter series with their Motorcycle, Trailer, and Commercial plates. For example, HDP plates were issued on cars with the letters before the numbers and HDP plates were also issued on commercial vehicles with the letters after the numbers.

After reaching HZY, Hawaii Co. started over at HAA. HZZ ended up being issued in Honolulu Co. due to a shortage of plates. HBL may have been skipped. Everything through HMJ has been issued, but no HMK, HML, or HMM spotted yet. HMN and HMP are in use.

After HMZ 999 was issued the Z series began with ZAA 001 -- because some HNn plates still exist on the road. The lowest plate seen is HNB 172. There is no reissuing of plates as previously thought. Dates on the plates (a hologram with the last two digits of the year of issue in white on a black circle repeated down the center of the plate) correspond to chronological issuing. For example, shiny HZ plates (which were thought to be reissues) have an issue dates of "97" and "98", HX plates have "94" and HN has "91", HC has "01", etc.

ZBA, ZBB, and ZBC were issued, and then ZBP started to show up. There will probably be a lot of filling in since it appears that someone opened up the wrong box.

From Andy DeCeunynck: As of early February 2014, it appears as though all combinations up to ZBT have been issued but nothing from ZBU-ZBZ. ZCA-ZCC but no ZCD, then ZCE but no ZCF, and most recently ZCG and ZCH. Also, it looks like no plates issued with L in the third position.

Jan. 2015 update from Neal: Have seen ZRx series a number of times (3 ZRCs, ZRG, ZRJ, ZRT) and also three ZTCs but these are obviously out of order (opening wrong box) and will be filled in with normally issued plates.