District of Columbia Bus

Plate Reporter Date
B 53364 Tom Rodda 7/03/24
B 53180 Tom Rodda 12/19/23
B 52131 Bradley Gallagher 11/02/20
B 51721 Bradley Gallagher 8/24/20
B 51659 Bradley Gallagher 6/17/20
B 51000 Bradley Gallagher 12/11/19
B 50128 Bradley Gallagher 5/28/15
B 50083 Bradley Gallagher 5/12/15
B 50077 Bradley Gallagher 5/04/15
B 49304 Bradley Gallagher 2/24/15
B 49068 Dave Edmondson 8/28/14
B 49060 Bradley Gallagher 7/01/14
B 48651 Bradley Gallagher 2/02/14
B 48602 Bradley Gallagher 8/21/13
B 47911 Bradley Gallagher 6/20/13
B 47907 Bradley Gallagher 5/26/13
B 47900 Bradley Gallagher 5/17/13
B 47311 Dave Edmondson 4/23/13
B 47100 Bradley Gallagher 3/20/13
B 47036 Bradley Gallagher 12/20/12
B 47001 Bradley Gallagher 11/15/12
B 46930 Bradley Gallagher 7/25/12
B 46900 Bradley Gallagher 6/27/12
B 46821 Bradley Gallagher 6/15/12
B 46781 Dave Edmondson 5/11/12
B 46310 Bradley Gallagher 1/10/12
B 46278 Bradley Gallagher 11/08/11
B 46056 Bradley Gallagher 10/12/11
B 46042 Bradley Gallagher 10/06/11
B 45671 Bradley Gallagher 3/18/11
B 45658 Dave Edmondson 12/12/10
B 45051 Dave Edmondson 9/23/10
B 44911 Dave Edmondson 6/19/10
B 44731 Dave Edmondson 12/14/09
B 43810 Christopher F. 12/31/06
B 43210 Christopher F. 8/02/06
B 42085 Dave Edmondson 12/08/05
B 42049 Dave Edmondson 8/02/05
B 53364

Flat, "Taxation" legend

Some plates in the high 46000 series have strange spacing such that there is a large space on either side of the B, and then the 5 numbers are close together because the plates use the D.C. flag placement as on passenger plates, rather than non-passengers.

Bradley Gallagher reports that this weird spacing began in the high 46000 series, but continues through the present 48000 series.

Transitioned from "Washington DC" to "District of Columbia" in late June 2014, between B-48651 and B-49060.

April 2015 update: Bradley Gallagher reports a jump from the low-mid B-49000 series to the B-50000 series.