Texas 2000 Series

Plate Reporter Date
VLX 999 Phillip Mendoza 8/16/12
VLX 905 Brad Carroll 3/12/10
LBW 550 Jim Turner 7/19/08
KJL 130 Jim Turner 6/26/08
JHD 353 Brad Carroll 5/31/08
CYT 400 E. Morgan 12/15/07
505 ZHG Patrick Humphrey 8/02/07
162 YBY Jim Palmer 6/18/07
361 PBJ Jarrett Kitch 7/30/06
695 JFB Jason Woodall 10/25/05
830 CMK JS 2/25/05
233 CHX Jim Palmer 2/04/05
L19 SYR Jim Palmer 3/19/01
J01 TGZ Eric Tanner 8/27/00
VLX 999

The Texas shaped separator is the color of the state flag, instead of previous solid red. Another new change is that the shuttle has the American flag on the side.

The change to the new graphic base was at the J99-GPZ/J01-GRB break. The 123-BBB format followed Z99-ZZZ. BBB-123 follows 999-ZZZ.

High for 123-BBB series: 097-ZZX 2014-12-18 Gunther Frostyburger