Maryland 1986 Series

Plate Reporter Date
4GD J77 Jeff Ellis 7/17/12
4GD J43 Jeff Ellis 6/14/10
1GD A61 Tom Castelli 5/24/10
8GC J78 Jeff Ellis 5/13/10
6GC A10 Matt De Rouville 5/04/10
1GC A31 Matt De Rouville 5/04/10
3GB C39 Jeff Ellis 4/20/10
3GA D56 Jeff Ellis 4/05/10
1FZ L07 Jeff Ellis 3/18/10
1EJ W58 Jeff Ellis 7/13/08
6EF Z17 Christopher F. 6/17/08
9EF C95 Christopher F. 6/03/08
6DV D10 Christopher F. 12/17/07
4DJ T16 Christopher F. 8/02/07
6DF R26 Christopher F. 6/26/07
8DF E13 Jeff Ellis 6/14/07
1BK G40 Dave Edmondson 12/16/05
2BB H02 Jeff Ellis 8/15/05
5AS E51 Brian Scott 5/08/05
2AL Y09 Jeff Ellis 3/15/05
1AK X52 Brian Scott 2/15/05
MVA 311 Brian Scott 7/08/04
KPR 858 Manny Jacob 2/28/03
JHF 806 Brian Scott 3/29/01
HTW 989 Jeff Ellis 8/27/00
4GD J77

This base began issuance in February, 1986, replacing the previous base. Although it is not currently being issued, it will return, and all plates of this type continue to be revalidated.

Maryland used New Jersey dies for a short period on some plates. Joseph reports that the reason for the temporary change to NJ dies was that plate production in the Maryland prison was shut down due to violence. So far, only Pass and Multi-Purpose plates have been reported with NJ dies.

8CM X22 is the high with MD dies.

3CN Z46 is the high with NJ dies.

1CP A90 is the low for MD dies after NJ dies.

Jeff Ellis figures NJ dies ran between 1CN A01 and 9CN Z99.

This is the new format for Maryland passenger plates. The previous series ended at MZZ 999. That series started at NAA 001 in February 1986 and progressed through ZZZ 999, then upwards from AAA 001 through MZZ 999. 0 (zero) is never issued as the first character in the new format.

MZZ 999 was issued and spotted by Joseph.

9AK Z95 is the highest pass reported without "" at the bottom.

1AL A01 is the lowest pass plate reported with the new "" at the bottom.

Joseph reports that some 2008 stickers are the wrong color.

Hologram threads are now appearing, having started at 1FC A01.