Arizona Trailer - small plate

Plate Reporter Date
Y5A1GC Brady B. 6/12/21
0198M Wally Punzmann 3/17/21
7880L Wally Punzmann 3/15/20
0133L Wally Punzmann 12/07/19
0979K Wally Punzmann 8/05/19
0843J Wally Punzmann 9/09/18
0503B Willie C. Brock, Jr. 8/26/15
0136B Wally Punzmann 5/23/15
27AD8 Eric Sivertsen 3/13/15
9974A Wally Punzmann 1/05/15
8017A Ken Tuc 10/22/14
5560A Justin Beus 5/19/14
3009A Wally Punzmann 2/01/14
15AD3 Willie C. Brock, Jr. 9/29/13
3D7E8 Wally Punzmann 1/25/13
7A5D5 Wally Punzmann 5/16/12
D75A1 Willie C. Brock, Jr. 9/11/11
D03A3 Wally Punzmann 7/09/11
H34G4 Willie C. Brock, Jr. 9/25/10
88HG1 Randy Flasch 12/18/09
8FH34 Eric Sivertsen 9/07/07
4FH35 Gary Fox 4/05/07

This is the smaller m/c size trailer plate. These plates usually have a white on black PERM sticker.

The order of issuance of these is uncertain, but here are the configurations that have been observed so far:

F12H3, 1FH23, 1F2H3, 12HF3, H12F3, 0H1F2, G12H3, D12A3, now 1A2D3 series. There is also a 1D2A3 series, and a 1D2E3 series. The latest configuration seen is 12AD3.

The FH appears to have been constant until one configuration with HF appeared. All of the FH and HF plates observed have been embossed. It also appears that GH is now being used in the G12H3 format, and it is undoubtedly the newest and current configuration since it is flat, although flat plates are now appearing in the 12HG3 configuration, which may be even newer. One such plate is known to have been issued in 12/09. H34G4 has been reported, so this may be the latest format.

Eric Sivertsen reports MVD figures showing 6,742 of these plates in use as of 10/31/08. Eric also reported 4G4H7, but we are uncertain as to where it fits in the mystery progression.

Feb. 2014 update: Trailer - small plate has a new format now; 4 numbers and an A suffix, followed by a B suffix.