Arizona Veteran - Disability
Progression: progression after V/T numbers: 1R2C3, 1C2R3, 12R3C, 12C3R, 1S2C3, 1C2S3, 12S3C, 12C3S, 1R2B3, 1B2R3, 12R3B, 1D2R3, 12D3R, 123DR, 12DR3, 1D23R, 12R3D
High embossed: 12R1C
Low flat: 85R6C
Justin Beus reports another format, and the first plate of that series: 0C0R1 on 2010-01-12.
Veteran - Disability Motorcycle: 1ZT (wheelchair symbol before registration number) This is a fifth series plate. The first series configuration was T01, second was 0T1, third was 01T, fourth was AT1, fifth is 1AT.