Virginia License Plates
Rental cars now use standard Passenger plates, but with white on orange year stickers representing rental cars.
Thanks and appreciation to Dave Edmondson for significant input on this page.
Rental cars now use standard Passenger plates, but with white on orange year stickers representing rental cars.
Thanks and appreciation to Dave Edmondson for significant input on this page.
Susmita - Apr 8 β23
This Virginia plain seven-digit passenger plate series originated in 1993. Progression worked backwards from ZZZ-9999 up to the high X-series (XYN-1108) in 2002. The 400th Anniversary plate took over from 2002 until 2007 when this base resumed in the high X-series (XXP-8521), again working downwards.
Former rental R-series old stock plates resurfaced as a standard issue rather than being wasted. RAK-5077 observed by Dave Edmondson on 2012-02-13.
Christopher F. - Mar 19 β08
This Virginia 400th Anniversary license plate was only issued between 2002-07. It was the first Virginia regular issue to feature a slogan. Original prefixes were JAA through KCW (plates issued in traditional low to high sequence), then artwork redesigned to include "Jamestown" on final prefixes KCX-KNP.
Prefixes JAA-JAJ plus JAT all confirmed with slogan printed on a separate sticker rather than part of sheeting.
Series JO-, JQ-, and KK- were skipped.
"Virginia" appeared appeared in either blue or red without any obvious pattern, such as JAA-JAX blue then JAY-JBE red.
Once this issue ceased, Virginia returned to the previous plain base and resumed backwards progression from the high-X series.
See for more details.
AJ Gupta - Jan 14 β25
This "Virginia is for lovers" regular passenger plate debuted on March 1, 2014. The previous plain base was in the WLx range at the time. The initial 'lovers' series progressed traditionally from VAA up to VZZ, then moved to Virginia-style backwards progression in 2017 starting at UZZ, then to T from 2021-present.
LowΒ VAA-1082 Β 2014-11-10 Β Bear Guy
JLZ - Jun 1 β24
This flat white on black Antique Vehicle license plate is one of two currently available in Virginia. Confirmed black passenger numbering formats are 123AA, AA123, 1234A and A1234 with progression as shown in our data.
There are also motorcycle versions of both antique plates available; the white on black ones use 1234A numbering format.
1817A 2007-07-21 Dave Edmondson
6659M 2021-08-10 Manny Jacob
JLZ - Jun 9 β24
This embossed blue on yellow Antique license plate is one of two styles currently available in Virginia. The initial run of yellow plates reached 99999 and switched to the 1234 AB format in 2002. See our data for numbering format evolution.
Yellow antique motorcycle plates are also available:
2608Q 2007-05-19 Dave Edmondson
6130Q 2021-08-30 Manny Jacob
Chris Martin - Dec 19 β23
Chris Cargill - Sep 26 β15
There have been three Clean Special Fuel plate types issued.
Type 1:
The original plate was issued to qualifying vehicles registered before July 1, 2006 and may be used in any HOV lanes statewide without regard to the occupancy requirement until the general exemption expires on June 30, 2012.
The original Virginia Clean Special Fuel plate design had the registration number to the right, and "CLEAN SPECIAL FUEL" screened in small capital letters. CF, CY and CZ series were used.
This plate may only be renewed or transferred to a newly purchased qualifying vehicle.
Type 2:
This plate was issued, upon application, to qualifying vehicles registered on or after July 1, 2006 and before July 1, 2011, and exempts the vehicle from the occupancy requirements of any HOV lanes except those in the I-95/395 corridor until the general exemption expires on June 30, 2012.
This second design had the registration number to the left of the logo, and "Clean Special Fuel" screened at the bottom in mixed case letters.
This plate may only be renewed or transferred to a newly purchased qualifying vehicle.
Type 3:
The current "Clean Special Fuel" plate is issued, upon application, to qualifying vehicles registered on or after July 1, 2011, and exempts the vehicle from the occupancy requirements of any HOV lanes except those in the 1-95/395 corridor and I-66 corridor until June 30, 2012.
This design has the logo centered, splitting the registration number in a 3/3 format, with the CSF legend at the bottom in a similar style to Type 2.
Clean Special Fuel Handicapped: 768X (wheelchair to right of serial)
Clean Special Fuel - Taxi: 10-51H
"TAXI FOR HIRE" in all caps in red over the "Clean Special Fuel" legend.
G.T. Steene - Dec 21 β24
The current series of Virginia Dealer license plates was originally numbered D 12-345, then moved to 12-345 D and later expanded to seven characters at 100-000D in early-2006.
Dave Edmondson observed low 1 D.
G.T. Steene - Jan 3 β24
Disabled parking "Virginia is for Lovers" plates were introduced in 2014 and feature wheelchair symbol at left, four-digits and H.-suffix later followed by suffixes DA-onwards.
The earlier Disabled plate used the original plain passenger base with wheelchair symbol at left, high 435055.
Christopher F. - Apr 9 β08
Disabled parking "Jamestown" plates featured wheelchair symbol at left, five-digits and stacked HP-suffix, numbering likely started at 10000. This type is no longer being issued since standard disabled plates reverted to the original plain passenger base in 2008.
Eric Forman - Dec 19 β23
Now uses the serifed dies. We are not 100% sure of the design of this plate.
Heriberto Tapia - Oct 4 β22
Standard passenger base with "Emergency Vehicle" screened caption, not off-white like Local Gov't or blue like State Gov't plates
Dave Edmondson - Dec 10 β10
Earlier plates had the wide dies, this has the serifed dies.
Dave Edmondson - Apr 8 β09
Tour Bus
Christopher F. - Aug 6 β07
"INDEPENDENT DEALER" (in all capital letters) on bottom.
N/A - Mar 13 β24
Most local government vehicles have the "L" suffix. All of them have "OFFICIAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT USE ONLY" on the bottom. The original numbering format for the standard Local Government plate was 12-345L. Early Local Government plates have the wide dies, while the later ones have the narrow dies. The standard Local Government plates expanded to 7 characters after the original format reached 99-999L.
Bearguy reports what appears to be a "Clean Fuel" version of a Local Government plate, as suggested by the CF prefix and the fact that it was on a Ford Escape Hybrid. The plate number was CF-10131 on the standard Local Government plate in tan with blue characters. Bradley Gallagher reports a similar plate, 10168CY on a Ford Escape Hybrid owned by Arlington Co. The CF prefix plates reported by Bear Guy were owned by Fairfax Co.
CNG plates are also in use for Local Government vehicles using compressed natural gas in the CNG-nnnL series.
Local Goverment Motorcycle plates are in the same colors as the full size version. Dave Edmondson reports 1712L on 2008-11-06.
Eric Forman - May 14 β24
Based on this picture from Plateshack, it really does say "VIRGINIA" twice on this plate.
Ross Day - Jun 13 β24
Andrew Turnbull - Sep 23 β23
Motorcycle tags used to be in the 900000s, then five digits, and then six digits beginning with 3 or 4. The six-digit sequence is shared with handicapped and great-seal tags.
260MAC - Mountain Scene high 2010-03-21 Dave Edmondson
Handicapped MC - Q502 (wheelchair embossed to right of serial) 2009-07-11 Tom Castelli
Temporary MC - V373 490 2009-11-05 Bradley Gallagher
Print on Demand Temporary MC: 7653G 2011-08-01 Dave Edmondson
Austin Cooke - Jul 22 β22
Non-permanent farm vehicle: F 81-nnn
Austin Cooke - Jul 1 β24
T/L suffix is stacked on right side. This series follows the series ending at 999-999T/R
There is also a smaller Permanent Trailer series the same size as Motorcycle, and with the same dies. The high is 4331 Z/L.
Permanent Trailer plates on rental trailers now have orange stickers with "R" on them.
G.T. Steene - Jun 20 β24
As a part of Virginiaβs effort to reduce the number of plates using stacked dies, at the start of the 00-000UA series, these plates have shifted to an unstacked seven-digit format.
Chris Martin - Apr 24 β23
We are not 100% sure of the design of this plate. Do you have a picture to share?
Tom Castelli - Jun 22 β09
Uses white on orange Rental Car stickers.
N/A - Feb 2 β24
Standard State Government plates have a light blue background with blue characters. Most state government vehicles have the "S" suffix. All of them have "OFFICIAL STATE USE ONLY" on the bottom. Early State Government plates have the wide dies, while the later ones have the narrow dies. Bearguy reports State Government plates in the standard format, except with narrow dies, for cars using compressed natural gas. These plates are in the CNG-nnnS series and he spotted CNG-283S.
A. S. - Aug 1 β24
Has "FOR HIRE" on bottom. "H" prefix is constant.
The H500000 series is apparently for limousines and the like. Taxis are H100000 (with year sticker) or 100000H (permanent.) H131121 is the high for the stickered type. 101905H is the high for the permanent type.
Another "FOR HIRE" type reported by Dave Edmondson has a design like the passenger state seal tags, except with "FOR HIRE" embossed on the bottom. Started with HAA suffix. The high for that type is 118-HAD.
Jericho Jarvi - Jan 23 β25
There is now special card stock with scoring for the bolt holes.
The previous style was Red on White cardboard, issued in pairs. Β Jumped from C series to E, then F.
Dealers were required to switch to the POD tags (instead of the cardboard ones) effective May 1, 2011.
"Multi-Use" blue on white cardboard Temporaries are issued by the DMV.
Multi-Use high: Β 153-352M Β New series, seemingly after 999-999 reached. Β Smaller font size: numbers are now the same size as the 30 day Temp plates.
A new type of Temporary permit appeared in March 2010. Β This type has dark green characters on a white background and uses the letter "Q" in the first position. Β We don't know yet how this type differs from the far more common red type.
Green high: Β Q276-409 Β 2010-11-17 Β Kyle Wasson
"Print on Demand" Temporary: Β nnnnnA Β 2012-05-21 Bradley Gallagher
Most "POD" plates display the Virginia DMV logo, but a few display the dealer logo.
The series appears to have used A and B, and then the Gnnnnn series, skipping C-F. Β Then the K series was used, with K in the prefix and suffix position. Β Now it appears that the series jumped from K to Z. Β Some other letters have appeared in the prefix and suffix position so far. Β It appears nnnnnC followed the Z series, and now the nnnnnA series is in use.
Dave Edmondson - Jun 7 β09
"TOW TRUCK" in capital letters embossed on top.
John Farkas - Dec 2 β24
Formerly trucks over 7,500 lbs gvwr; small trucks had passenger-car plates. Small trucks are no longer using passenger plates. They now use the typical Virginia plate with "Truck" in red at the bottom center, and apparently started at UA00-000. Thanks to Martin Houle for this info.
Separate series for tractors; embossed "VA TRACTOR P" across top -
Y/A52-002 2010-08-20 Dave Edmondson
Dave Edmondson - Oct 18 β12
Patient First - Jul 2 β24
Cardinal Handicapped high - U5397 (wheelchair symbol on right) 2007-11-01 Christopher F.
Eric Forman - Nov 21 β23
The actual name for this plate is Chesapeake Bay.
G.T. Steene - Dec 21 β24
Original series used TP (Don't Tread on Me = Tea Party) then TE, TG, TJ, TM confirmed suffixes followed by the Ux and Xx series.
G.T. Steene - Jun 2 β24
First available in 2002, original format was 1234 F/T; second format was 1234 A/L; third format was 1234 F/D; fourth format was 1234 A/N; fifth format was 1234 F/R; sixth format was 1234 P/D, now issuing 1234 P/T.
There is also a Motorcycle version of this issue with a stacked F/W suffix embossed to right of serial. Same 9/11 logo as the passenger car version, screened to left of serial.
High - 357 F/W 2009-06-17 Tom Castelli
Lev - Mar 23 β24
Chris Cargill observed plate 900-900 on 2005-12-28, undoubtedly issued to a person with connections!
Dave Edmondson observed 151-HAE as a Great Seal (For Hire) plate.
Mike Russo observed 000-020, which could be a low number, or a personalized made to look like a low number.
Walter Pilley - Dec 26 β13
Original numbering format: 1234CD
Ross Day - Oct 15 β24
Dave Edmondson - Dec 5 β14
The Y suffix seems to have appeared after the initial run reached 99999J.
Kyle Wasson - Apr 18 β10
Series started with 1001KF
Lev - Apr 17 β24
Confirmed suffixes are LF, LT, LP, LJ, LH, LG, LI, LK, LM, MA, ME, MG, MR and RE in no logical order. Suffix MC was previously used on United We Stand plates.
Adam Garstka - May 16 β14
Eric Forman - Jan 29 β24
This Virginia Autumn Leaves optional licence plate was introduced in 1997 as a redesign of the original version below. Numbering on this base progressed upwards starting at BAA (except BAD not observed) while handicapped version uses the M12345 series.
Any A-series plates with this artwork were remakes.
JLZ - Sep 27 β24
This is known as the optional Mountains or "Scenic" plate. Low: ABK-1168
Handicapped version of this plate uses J prefix plus five-digit format with embossed wheelchair symbol at left. Observed: J18529
Lev - Mar 8 β24
Virginia United We Stand passenger license plates have used UW, US, MC and UP suffixes thus far. Motorcycle version features screened/stacked prefix, embossed serial U/W 933.
Lucas Kannou - Aug 13 β24
WA and WG were used on this type, which is no longer issued, but can still be renewed.
G.T. Steene - Jun 7 β24
D/V now appearing screened in red using the same font as Virginiaβs stacked dies. Series now seems to be using a standard Virginia optional plate format of 0000XX and allowing personalized/vanity tags on this type.
Lucas Kannou - Aug 23 β24
This initial design of the 1997 was quickly revised and plates recalled due to poor visibility. All of these short-lived plates were in the A-series, see revised B-series version above.
Skipper Horner - May 23 β10
No longer issued; most recent design uncertain. Do you have a picture?