Pennsylvania License Plates
11 - white on red
12 - green on white
13 - white on black
14 - red on white
15 - white on blue
16 - black on white
17 - white on green
18 - blue on white
19 - white on red
20 - green on white
21 - white on black
11 - white on red
12 - green on white
13 - white on black
14 - red on white
15 - white on blue
16 - black on white
17 - white on green
18 - blue on white
19 - white on red
20 - green on white
21 - white on black
Ryan West - Feb 1 β25
The current base began in September, 1999. All previous bases were replaced by the end of 2002.
FKA-FKZ was not used. Bruce Bufalini notes that vowels (A and E are the only ones used in general issue plates) have not been used in the second position on plates in the Exx series, nor was E used in the second position of the Fxx series, but A was used in the second position of the Fxx series. No repeating first and second letters been used in the Exx or Fxx series, but they were in the Gxx series. This has been a departure from the Dxx series since DAA-DAZ and DDA-DDZ plates were issued. The I series was skipped, so the issue advanced from HZZ to JBA since the letter A is not used in the second position on regular issue plates.
Base low: DAA-0000 Nick Tsilakis
Issuance of the updated visitPA design started on 22 DEC 04. FYC-9994 is the current high in the series before the change, which began at GBA. The current series advanced from GZZ to HBA since the letter A is not used in the second position on regular issue plates.
Ed Angiolillo reports JBP-0441 on 2008-07-18. It was probably a vanity that was made in error with the keystone instead of a hyphen. Pennsylvania is one of the few states that permits vanities to be issued in the normal sequence, but they should appear with a hyphen where the keystone would normally be placed between the letters and numbers, to differentiate them from the normal series.
Ethan Massengale - Aug 11 β24
The first plate observed on this base, JWS5434, was spotted on a Reddit post in use on the lieutenant governor's Suburban. Obviously, it is a remade number originally issued on the 1999 base.
Michael Gilliland - Aug 20 β24
This is a new series (Antique Vehicle) that replaces the Antique Historic Car plate. Antique Historic Car plates were produced as high as 00ZW in that format, but it is not known if they went all the way to 99ZZ before the change was made.
Note: The first letter is the series letter.
After reaching Z99Z, the series changed to 0AA0.
Bill Stephens - Nov 1 β21
After reaching 99Z, the format changed to AA0. After reaching ZZ9, the format changed to A0A. Y4C is the highest reported in that format.
New format and number series appears to have been released around May 2013 using the 4x7 sized plates and the text "ANTIQUE MC" at the bottom.
Michael Gilliland - Jan 10 β25
Now on visitPA base, starting at AF-50000.
Clover McCarthy - Aug 24 β24
No dash on the newer plates, at least as high as BA57627, which was reported by Eric Butler. Now Bus plates are appearing with it again, and they are now on the base. Bird Man reports BA-59591 with the dash.
Apportioned Bus high: BN-02580 2013-10-08 Ben Maltz
Still on www base.
Richard Than - Aug 5 β24
Original series was 5 digit numeric with New Jersey dies (except for the 20000-21000 range) with room for only 5 digits.
On VisitPA base.
At C29000, dies changed to the regular PA type from the old style that were formerly used on Antique and Classic Car plates.
Tom Perri - Aug 2 β15
No longer purple on white. On the visitPA base.
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
Yellow on black base. These plates are not dated and carry no stickers. Steve Ondik observes that these plates appear mainly on modified (such as drag type) vehicles mostly 20 years old and older.
Graeme W - Oct 31 β24
From Colin MG: Pennsylvania has used this number pattern for dealer plates since 1971 (xnn-nnn[same x]). Research I've done shows that the Bnn-nnnB series was used first (1971), then Cnn-nnnC (1973), then in 1975 or so, the Ann-nnnA series debuted. I've seen examples of the Ann-nnnA series on the blue-on-yellow base from the late seventies, as well as the bicentennial base. The Dnn-nnnD series has been seen with an 89 sticker. To my knowledge, the Enn-nnnE series was not issued. The Fnn-nnnF series covered the blue "Keystone State" bases, and I don't see any evidence that the Gnn-nnnG series was issued. Hnn-nnnH was used on plates, and Jnn-nnnJ was on both and visitPA. Knn-nnnk, current as of the start of 2014, is obviously on visitPA. Inn-nnnI could not have been issued as Pennsylvania doesn't allow I's to be put onto non-vanities.
PA is moving away from the KnnnnnK series and now has an icon silk-screened on the left. ND is being used for new cars, PR for pre-owned. No reason is known for the deviation from the standard new format on the current high.
Landon Roos - Oct 6 β22
Still on www base.
Clover McCarthy - Nov 27 β24
Now on the visitPA base. Before all of the P/D nnnnZ series were issued, the format changed to the reversed numeric series with the P/D suffix for a short time (Nick Tsilakis reports 00022 P/D from the short period when a few of these were first seen), but the P/D prefix in the Z series returned until it was used up.
Bruce Bufalini reports a low of P/D 0045A.
Disabled Person Motorcycle - PD-P71D
We observed a jump between sightings of 32068 P/D and 39211 P/D in less than one month.
Jay Hughes - Nov 7 β24
Plates issued to Fire Departments and EMS services. Descendent of the Fire Dept. Plate, which was retired in the early 70s.
After being white on red since the 80s, this plate is now on the base with red embossed lettering. Earlier plates in the red on white format have been replaced by the new version, which also serves as a replacement for the former Fire Department plate.
The new style seems to have started at EV-50000. The high on the previous type was only around EV-30011, however, EV-31053 was reported on the new format. The lower series is reserved for non-fire department apparatus, such as private ambulance companies. The higher series is for municipal departments.
Seth Brunnhuber - Oct 18 β24
Now on the visitPA base.
Brett Weisbrot - Mar 5 β23
Now on visitPA base
Graeme W - Sep 13 β24
Now on the visitPA base. Changeover happened at M/T 40000. Also this marks the return of the stacked MT prefix which was absent in the series between MT-36000 and MT-39999.
Landon Roos - Sep 27 β20
The series on www base started at BA000, switched to visitPA base at BN000.
Michael Gilliland - Oct 13 β24
Now on visitPA base with keystone separator in place of dash separator.
Graeme W - Aug 10 β24
After ZZZ99, 0000A, now 0AB01.
John McDevitt reports PennDOT released a redesigned regular motorcycle series to promote safety with the wording "" along the bottom. It appears to have started at 8000L. Many of the original style plates are yet to be issued, and they will be issued until they run out.
As of April 2012, Bill Stephens reports that the latest issues no longer have "" on bottom - back to plain "MC" on bottom. The first of this type reported to us is 8356V.
Vertical Motorcycle plates are now available in the M-NLN-C format.
Vertical Motorcycle high: M6D0C 2015-08-04 Bill Southwick
Brett Weisbrot - Nov 5 β22
MCD at bottom
The alpha character is the last to advance, i.e., 000A-999A, 000B-999B, etc.
Jay Hughes - Nov 14 β15
Michael Gilliland - Jan 1 β25
Issued to police cars and municipal vehicles.
Bill Jester advises that the series progressed from MG-00000 to MG-0000A.
The 00000-MG series is for municipal trucks and trailers only. Both types are issued as singles.
John Fedorchak - Jan 13 β24
These plates are usually found on police motorcycles.
Graeme W - Sep 6 β24
Used on vehicles owned by the Commonwealth. Pickup trucks, like cars, also use the nnnnn-PA series and also are issued in pairs. Heavy trucks and trailers use the PA-nnnnX series and are issued singles.
Graeme W - Jul 31 β24
This type has been observed on a marked State Police pickup.
Ryan Huang - Apr 23 β24
On the new visitPA base. John McDevitt speculates a changeover at OB-69000.
Travis Hughes - Sep 29 β24
Official Plate issued to Penn State University owned vehicles. Plate looks similar to standard PA Official plates with a dark blue base and white characters. These plates are issued in pairs. Penn State official plates use the large "outline" keystone separator that was used on the 1977 passenger base.
Update: Recent Penn state plates use the default base rather than the blue ones.
Michael Gilliland - Jan 10 β25
Letter moved one space to the left when it rolled over from PT-9999Z.
Changed to the visitPA base at PT-0000L.
PT-1953A reported as a low by Jordan Irazabal.
Bill Stephens - Oct 27 β22
Press Photographer license plates are issued to full-time newspaper, newsreel and television photographers. "PP" appears in small letters inside a "Keystone" to the left of the numbers. Still on the www base through PP799. Front and rear plates issued for this type.
Change to VisitPA probably occurred at PP800. PP804 was on this type.
Graeme W - Aug 15 β24
Issued to mechanics and towing companies. Our first report of the graphic at the left was 22477.
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
Richard Than - Jun 25 β24
Now on the VisitPA base, probably starting at WL-23000.
Series changed from WL to SY.
Alex Wiedlich - Jul 10 β24
Now on the VisitPA base
Michael Gilliland - Jan 28 β25
Now on the VisitPA base
The Keystone separator was not used earlier, but it is back. SV19468 did not have it, but since about SV-19750 does have it.
School Vehicle plate issued to private school bus companies for use on small passenger vehicles (like vans, etc.) for the use of transporting school children. Public school districts put municipal tags on vehicles they own that meet this criteria.
Landon Roos - May 19 β22
Used mainly for heavy construction equipment that doesn't fall in the "Truck" category. Original series was SME-123A.
Michael Gilliland - Jan 9 β25
Debuted in July 2022 on new PSP vehicles. Older vehicles can still use generic white/blue Official Use plates.
Michael Gilliland - Jan 7 β25
Now on the VisitPA base. Change suspected at TX-46000.
Eric Butler - Nov 4 β06
Official Plate issued to Temple University owned vehicles. Plate has a dark red base with white characters.
Glen Doughney - Jan 15 β25
Michael Gilliland - Oct 11 β24
Upon reaching XZ-99999, a new series began at XBA-0000. The XA- series will not be used. Bill Stephens reports that the VisitPA base on trailer plates started at XCA-0000. Following the practice of not using vowels in the center position, the XE- series was skipped.
Jay Embee - Apr 3 β11
Plate used for transporting vehicles between dealers and customers and other dealers. Now on VisitPA base.
Michael Gilliland - Jan 31 β25
As of March 2011, Pennsylvania has finally run out of the Yxx-nnnn truck series after nearly 12 years. Β The traditional format for Truck plates in PA would have been to reverse to nnnn-YAA, but the series instead advanced to ZBB-nnnn. Β True to PennDOT practice, the middle "A" was skipped.
ZE- series skipped.
From Colin MG: Β When the state went from to, the dash separator was replaced with the keystone.
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
Now on visitPA base. Bruce Bufalini spotted the lowest, M/B 00001.
Bruce Bufalini - Jul 17 β12
C/M 00002 is the low seen by Kit.
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
Ed Angiolillo - Jan 19 β12
Richard Than - Jul 25 β24
Progression for DARE, Otter, and Railroad plates: 0000 - 9999, 000A - 999A, 000B - 999B, etc. and up to 999Z, then 00A0 - 999A9, 00B0 - 99B9, etc. and up to 99Z9, after which the format will be 0A00.
Brett Weisbrot - Feb 2 β25
Progression: 00000 - 99999, 0000A - 9999A, 0000B - 9999B, etc. and now up to the R suffix. O suffix was not used. Owl plates are no longer being issued, but they are still being renewed.
Jordan Irazabal reports W/R 00016 as a low.
Brett Weisbrot - Jan 27 β22
The format 0A00 series follows the 00A0 through 99Z9 series. The current high is the new style for this type.
These plates are no longer being issued, but existing plates are still being renewed.
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
www base
Brett Weisbrot - Nov 11 β23
Brett Weisbrot - Aug 24 β21
Michael Gilliland - Oct 25 β24
Ed Angiolillo - Apr 20 β13
E/M 00003 reported as a low by Tom Perri.
Brett Weisbrot - Aug 20 β21
"FF" prefix is inside a Maltese cross. FF 35976 is the highest reported on the www base. The change to visitPA came at FF 360nn.
FF 00032 reported as a low by Jordan Irazabal.
Richard Than - Mar 29 β24
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
On the newest base
Travis Hughes - Mar 30 β24
Now on the base
There is also a FOP Survivor plate that is separate from the regular FOP series. This is for surviving spouses or children. F/P is at the end on there.
High: 00011F/P 2014-05-09 Heather Embee
Brett Weisbrot - Aug 31 β24
Series started at L/V 00000. Still on www base.
L/V 00002 remade onto the base
Remakes from the www base to the base are available on older numbers.
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
On VisitPA base.
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
Michael Gilliland - May 29 β24
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
Now on the VisitPA base
Numbers appeared to begin at 40000 on the current base.
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
Eric Butler reported the first plate of this type, G/H 00000.
Brett Weisbrot - Mar 13 β23
Travis Hughes - Nov 1 β24
Changed to base around PS250nn; new plates have Penn State shield in blue.
Seth Brunnhuber - Jun 1 β24
Started at 10000 P/S.
The bottom reads PENN STATE UNIVERSITY, and has the Nittany Lion logo. Not to be confused with the PENN STATE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION plate which has the Penn State shield logo, this one directly benefits the university. The one-time fee is $179, compared to a standard special-fund plate at $35 one-time or a vanity at $20 one-time.
Louis Georgevich - Nov 18 β24
Full color locomotive background.
Michael Gilliland - Oct 25 β24
Current base
There are two different blocks of numbers for these plates. The lower block of numbers has the legend "INTL ASSN FIRE FIGHTERS" in the yellow bar across the bottom, and the IAFF logo in red with black letters to the left of the P/F serial.
The second block of numbers, apparently starting at P/F 20000, is similar in design, but the legend across the bottom is "PHILA FIRE FIGHTERS' UNION" with a similar logo to the other plate in the same position, but with "22" (for Local 22) in the center, and "LOCAL, PHILA, IAFF, and FIRE" appearing in the Maltese Cross logo.
The stacked P/F on both types is screened, but the numbers are embossed. Our thanks to Bill Stephens for this information.
Local 22 series high - P/F 23097
Brett Weisbrot - Mar 13 β23
Newest base
Brett Weisbrot - Mar 3 β24
"PZ" = Pittsburgh Zoo
Progression: 0000 - 9999, 000A - 999Z, 00A0 - 99Z9, 0A00 - 9Z99, A000A - A999Z, B000A - B999Z, etc.
Very rare O used on this plate (was not mistaken for a 0 being that PA dies have the letters slightly smaller than numbers)
Low - PZ0002 spotted by Tom Perri
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
Jordan Irazabal reports S/P00003 as a low.
Lucas Kannou - Aug 7 β22
Richard Than - Jan 21 β25
Now on the VisitPA base
Brett Weisbrot - Jun 19 β24
Colin McGregor - Mar 17 β14
Newest base
Carl - Apr 19 β08
Special issue from 1987 commemorating the bicentennial of the US Constitution.
Brett Weisbrot - Apr 7 β24
Appears number series started at 20000, on visitPA base
Heather Embee - May 27 β12
Brett Weisbrot - Sep 19 β21
Graeme W - Jul 28 β24
These plates are issued to desiring families of those killed in combat.
Heather Embee - Feb 17 β11
Lucas Kannou - Jul 12 β23
The POW plate is another type that uses the large 1977 "outline" keystone separator.
Brett Weisbrot - Feb 1 β24
Colin McGregor - Feb 11 β14
New plate series on base; full color US Flag to left of plate, with "US" stacked to the right of the numbers.
Clover McCarthy - Dec 1 β24
Both types of Disabled Veteran plates have gone through several changes, so tracking them is difficult.
Bluish purple on white. DV is unstacked. No wheelchair symbol.
From John McDevitt:
FORMAT 1: DV-0000 to DV-9999
PENNSYLVANIA on top; DISABLED VETERAN on bottom, condensed legend font, 2 sticker wells on top left and right.
FORMAT 2: DV-10000 to a point between DV-18999 and DV-21999, PENNSYLVANIA on top; DISABLED VETERAN on bottom, condensed legend font, 2 sticker wells on top left and right.
FORMAT 3: From a point between DV-19000 and DV22000 to DV-24999, PENNSYLVANIA on top; DISABLED VETERAN on bottom, condensed legend font, sticker well bottom left.
FORMAT 4: From DV-25000 to DV-27999, PENNSYLVANIA on bottom; DISABLED VETERAN on top, condensed legend font, sticker well bottom left.
FORMAT 5: D/V28000 to D/V28999, Stacked prefix, PENNSYLVANIA on bottom; DISABLED VETERAN on top, wide legend font, sticker well bottom left.
FORMAT 6: DV-29000 to current high
PENNSYLVANIA on bottom DISABLED VETERAN on top, wide legend font, sticker well bottom left.
Benjamin Pogwist - May 15 β22
Both types of Disabled Veteran plates have gone through several changes, so tracking them is difficult.
Bluish purple on white. This type is for severe disability, and has the D/V stacked, as well as a handicapped symbol. The D/V before the numbers and DISABLED VETERAN at the bottom of the plate are screened.
From John McDevitt:
D/V80000 - D/V86999 has the state name in blue at the top, and DISABLED VETERAN in red at the bottom.
D/V87000 - current has DISABLED VETERAN in red at the top, and the state name in blue on the bottom.
Some older plates without the handicapped symbol exist in the unstacked format with numbers in the 40000 range, but not much is known about them.
From Creighton Rabs: It appears as though Pennsylvania is in the new base in blue on top in the current issue in a white background. The D/V is screened while the numbers are standard PA issue, both in the same dark blue as the state name. Not sure when this particular changeover took place.
Lucas Kannou - Aug 7 β22
John McDevitt - Sep 19 β06
Fire Department plates have been recalled by PennDOT and have been replaced by the newer style Emergency Vehicle plates.
Heather Embee - Nov 18 β14
Progression: 0000 - 9999, 000A - 999A,
000B - 999B, etc. Plate was discontinued in 2/97 due to visibility issues.
Bruce Bufalini - Apr 1 β00
Jeff Ellis - Aug 27 β00