Standard Passenger Plates
555 2377Nolan Cota - Jan 25 β25
The current base began issue in January, 1999, replacing all previous bases by the end of March, 2000.
Tom Castelli reports that NH started the new issue with 999 999 and worked back to 100 000, then began up from 100 0000. Β Jason reports that as NH plates were working down, 5 digit numbers were being assigned in late 2000 and early 2001. Β Vanity plates with 7 characters were not available until several years after 7 digit passenger plates appeared.
Low: Β 999 820 Β
High: Β 104 264
Low for 100 0000 series: Β 100 3103 Β 2014-01-06 Β Gunther Frostyburger
Non-passenger Plates
3AG664Jeff Fortier - Sep 30 β24
AMB779Nathan Reznik - Jun 4 β24
12AP22Jeff Fortier - May 13 β24
Civil Air Patrol
C12OFFICIALLarry David - Jun 16 β12
OFFICIAL spelled out diagonally before number.
AE8714COMMAl Matthews - Mar 25 β06
Construction Equipment
Larry David - Sep 18 β24
Department of Health and Human Services
P183OFFICIALLarry David - Nov 21 β14
OFFICIAL spelled out to the left of the number.
Department of Labor
LA 19OFFICIALLarry David - Oct 17 β08
OFFICIAL spelled out diagonally before number.
Department of Safety
U141OFFICIALJacco Hoekstra - May 3 β21
OFFICIAL spelled out diagonally before number.
Environmental Services
ES173OFFICIALLarry David - Apr 6 β15
OFFICIAL spelled out diagonally before number.
FA9001Nicholas Whalley - May 21 β24
Fire Department
Staff - Jan 4 β25
New type authorized in 2024. First digit is a county code, followed by a two-digit code for the department. The digit(s) after the space are serial within the department.
Fish and Game Dept.
F191OFFICIALLarry David - Sep 22 β15
OFFICIAL spelled out diagonally before number.
Government (Municipal)
G30914Larry David - Sep 18 β24
A new series for Municipal Police is now in use. These plates are blue on white without the Old Man graphic, and have M/P stacked on the left, followed by two sets of numerals. The first three are an identification of the police authority, which varies from town to town and city to city. The second number is a sequence of vehicle numbers associated with that authority. A small town may have only one vehicle, in which case the plate number would be M/P XXX 1.
Liquor Commission
L23OFFICIALLarry David - Dec 11 β12
OFFICIAL spelled out in column to the left of the number.
6745DJacco Hoekstra - Dec 30 β21
Green on white. Similar to Motorcycle plate.
1H885Nicholas Whalley - Oct 12 β24
No longer with embossed border
Motorcycle - Disabled
618Larry David - Apr 9 β20
Wheelchair symbol followed by number.
New Hampshire Lottery
SW16OFFICIALLarry David - Nov 4 β14
OFFICIAL stacked to the left, and tag numbers SW followed by the numerals.
These vans are driven by NH Lottery employees as they make their rounds from store to store that offers lottery tickets. These employees restock the tickets and program the lottery machines.
Why SW? The NH Lottery used to be known as the New Hampshire SWeepstakes.
School Bus
SB4869Nathan Reznik - Jun 4 β24
Special Commercial
8012SPECCOMMNicholas Whalley - Nov 13 β24
SPEC COMM, in two columns to left of number.
State Department of Correction
COR75OFFICIALLarry David - Mar 19 β10
OFFICIAL spelled out vertically to left of COR.
State Highway Maintenance
H1953OFFICIALLarry David - Jan 4 β07
Unsure of the actual design of these; the design shown here is based on other official plates.
State Library
LB 8OFFICIALLarry David - Jul 25 β14
OFFICIAL spelled out to the left of the number.
State Library book vans use these plates.
State Parks
D325OFFICIALLarry David - Aug 14 β09
OFFICIAL spelled vertically to left of number.
State Police
918Jacco Hoekstra - Nov 20 β21
Street Rod
910STREET RODLarry David - Sep 2 β19
3659734Nicholas Whalley - Jan 16 β25
Jason Taylor advises that NH issues several types of Temporary plates. The type with red numbers is issued by dealers for use after a sale and is good for 30 days. The type with black numbers is more of a temporary transit plate and has the expiration hand written at the bottom. Both of these types are 6 digit numeric. The third type has a hand written vanity registration and is used while vanity plates are being made.
After years of returning to 000001 after hitting 999999, it appears they have expanded the red Temporary plates to 7 digits now.
There is some possibility that the black number type is now only being issued from the state and town halls, while the red number plates are just from dealers.
T792323Nicholas Whalley - Jan 23 β25
This is the new trailer series that began after TZ 9999. The new plates have the more narrow dies of the 2000 issue.
University Owned
U 1271Tom Castelli - Apr 23 β07
This type is issued to vehicles owned by the University of New Hampshire (such as campus busses, university police, maintenance vehicles). Standard pre-2000 base (green-on-white) with no special markings.
Specialty Plates
Larry David - Dec 17 β24
Conservation Heritage
Started at C/H1C and went through C/H9999C, then C/H100C0 and up. The letter was always C. The C/H10C00 series was issued through C/H99C99, then the C/H1C000 series was used, followed by the C/H C1000 series. Then the letter changed to H and the C/H1H and up series was issued, then the C/H 100H0 series, and then the C/H10H00 series, then C/H1H000, and now C/H H1000 is in use.
Moose/State Parks
217ENolan Cota - Dec 9 β24
Moose plate with a state park admission sticker to the right of the digits. Started at 100A or 1A, but probably the latter.
State Parks
426119Larry David - Apr 5 β20
State Parks sticker to the left of the numerals and the Old Man to the right. The numbering probably started at 100000.
From Tom Castelli: Having this specialty plate (issued for an extra $85 annual fee plus $8 one-time application fee) grants free admission for the car's driver and all passengers to any New Hampshire State Park. Also issued in Moose (conservation) variety.
Military and Veteran Plates
Active Duty Military
8435BSNathan Reznik - Jun 4 β24
NEW HAMPSHIRE is spelled out in blue on top, LIVE FREE OR DIE in red below that, a bar of five white stars on blue on the left edge, and a bar of red stripes on white on the right edge. Blue numerals on a white background between the stars and stripes. Below that are the words ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY in blue. The plates likely start at 10001.
Disabled Veteran
5786Nicholas Whalley - Nov 19 β24
American flag to the left of the number, wheelchair symbol to the right of the number. Numbering began at 1. The first plate was spotted by Larry David on 2016-02-01.
Gold Star Mother
Larry David - Nov 5 β13
LIVE FREE OR DIE on top, the script New Hampshire on the bottom, all in blue letters and numbers. The Gold Star symbol is on the left (gold star on a hanging flag), the words GOLD STAR above and MOTHER below the flag, in red. The letters GS are then stacked to the left of the tag number. Both the GS and the number are in blue. The plate background is red on the left, white in the center, and blue to the right, and the colors blend together at their boundaries.
National Guard
2081Larry David - Sep 14 β14
Larry David reports a change in the National Guard plate. They used to have green numerals and letters on the white background, with a green colonial soldier to the right of the number, and the base was what was used prior to 2000. The new plate resembles the Veteran plates--blue on white, with red trim, and a colonial soldier in blue to the right of the number, with NATIONAL GUARD over the number.
Pearl Harbor Survivor
69VΓctor Ramirez - Jun 25 β23
Prisoner of War
491VΓctor Ramirez - Jun 3 β23
Purple Heart
3217Heriberto Tapia - Sep 30 β22
V73125Nicholas Whalley - Oct 16 β24
Probably started at V1. Numbers have been spotted with as few as two digits.
Veteran - Motorcycle
1943Larry David - Nov 28 β11