Maryland License Plates

Maryland does not use letters I, O, Q or U on any plate, other than organizational types, personalized, and Amateur Radio. The only non-passenger type to have used one of these letters was Charter Bus (I00-001) which was merged into Class P in 1988. All are long gone.

A new standard issue plate debuted June 14, 2010. Originally planned to be a general replacement that would replace all plates except Bay and Ag between 07/10 and 06/12, it will now just be issued for new registrations for Class A, E, and M plates. All current plates will remain valid.

Motorcycle, Handicapped, and Handicapped Motorcycle have been added to the list of classes to receive War of 1812 plates starting June 2014. ALL existing plates will remain valid indefinitely. The War of 1812 plate will cease issue in June 2015. The "crest" plates will return then as the standard issue.

All date stickers are black on white.

Here are the very last plates from the Maryland 1986 series! Thanks to Joseph for snapping the pics.

Standard Passenger Plates

Non-passenger Plates

Baltimore City Police


Jeff Ellis - Jan 13 ’16

Baltimore City (B/C) and Anne Arundel (A/A), Baltimore (B/A), Howard (H/C), Montgomery (M/C) and Prince George's (P/G) counties all have independent police departments that are assigned their own plate series.

A/A 1590: Anne Arundel County Police

B/A 2055: Baltimore County Police

H/C 1103: Howard County Police

M/C 0936: Montgomery County Police

P/G 3812: Prince George's County

P/P 0288: Maryland National Capital Park Police, Prince George's County (There is also a Montgomery County version of the National Capital Park Police plate, also with P/P prefix.)

S/P 0053: Baltimore City School Police

Tom Castelli informs us that other counties not listed here have a county sheriff's office that performs the same functions as an independent county police department. These departments use similar plates in the S/A 1234 series with "[county name] Co." screened below the serial. Cities and other municipalities that have independent police departments (e.g. Laurel, Westminster) use similar plates in the M/G 1234 series with the name of the municipality screened below the serial, although the L/G series is used by some towns.

Municipal series:

M/G 2376: Westminster

Sheriff series:

S/A 1800 series, S/A 3900 series (Baltimore City)

S/A 1932 (Worcester County)

S/A 2400 series (Baltimore County)

S/A 4720 (Wicomico County)

S/A 5913 (Carroll County)

University of Maryland Campus Police: C/P 0105

From Tom Castelli: It was the standard police type, with a caption of "University of Maryland." This was on a UMBC campus police car on the UMBC campus; I assume this type and prefix is used across all UMd campuses for their campus police cars. (Also assuming C/P stands for Campus Police.)

Maryland Department of Labor and Licensing Police: L/L0003

Reported by Jeff Ellis



Jericho Jarvi - Feb 1 ’25

On Md Proud (2016) base. Base began somewhere between 50665H/T (war of 1812 high) and 55600H/T (Md Proud low)

68892 H/V highest plain reported. 69000 H/V is the current low with "" at bottom.

Progression: 00001H/C, then 00001H/D, then 00001H/V, now 00016H/T. Wheelchair and stacked letters screened through 35999H/D, embossed thereafter.

War of 1812 base low: 09343H/T

Disabled Motorcycle


Glen Doughney - Jul 21 ’24

D/M is silkscreened -- constant

Tom Castelli reports 2D436 on 2009-09-13 as a possible new series on the 4x7" plate. Wheelchair symbol embossed to right of serial.

D/M 0437 reported by Tom Castelli, but we are unsure of the progression. Wheelchair symbol screened to left of stacked D/M prefix. Serial embossed. National standard 4"x 7" size.

Now on War of 1812 base.

4806 D/M reported as a low on the War of 1812 series.

Farm Truck

446 75

Glen Doughney - Jul 27 ’24

"Farm" screened at bottom on both Farm Truck and Farm Truck Tractor. The stacked F/T and T/R are screened.

Farm Truck Tractor high: 086 91T/R Stickers go on the FRONT plate when these are issued in pairs, but Semi Tractor, Apportioned Semi Tractor, and Farm Semi Tractor were all changed to singles in 2003 or 2004.



Glen Doughney - Sep 20 ’24

Now on Avery sheeting, and now on War of 1812 base.

New format: first 00000D, then 0000D0, then 000D00, then 000M00, then 0D0000, now D00000. The expected 00D000 would have conflicted with the truck series.

Motorcycle plates have "" in very small print at the bottom as of 741M83. High without web site is 737M49. Split was probably at 740M00.

In Fall 2008, Maryland changed Motorcycle plates from the traditional 4 1/2x8" size to the 4x7" size that is becoming the standard for most of the US. The high for the traditional size is 7D0003.

The low for the new size is 8D8444.

High for the new size: D35831

War of 1812 Low: D39381



Jeff Ellis - Apr 1 ’11

The new high is back to MD dies. See the note under Passenger about NJ dies.

894M522 high with MD dies.

895M023 low with NJ dies.

909M500 high with NJ dies.

910M000 low with MD dies.

It appears that the block of plates from 895Mnnn to 909Mnnn had NJ dies.

000000M - 999999M used originally, then M000000 to M999999, then 000M001 to 999M999, now 00001M0 to current. Newest issues have "" at the bottom, making it the first slogan on Maryland plates since 1947. The website began at 480M000.

Jason H. reports a low of 000M002 on this type.

Hologram threads begin 45000M0.

State Government


Glen Doughney - Sep 26 ’24

High without website is S/G 22722. Low with website is S/G 22806. The 24000 series uses an odd 2 die.

A separate series of State Gov't plates exists for State Highway Administration vehicles, beginning at S/G 80000. High for that series is S/G 87364. No website seen yet in this series.

There is a THIRD series of State Government plates for State Highway Administration PASSENGER CARS. Low is S/G 29607, and NEW High is S/G 29909. No website yet in this series.

'2' digit is back to a normal die. High with the odd '2' die is S/G 24366.

From Jeff Ellis: Many Maryland Transit Authority buses are sporting newly-remade State Gov't plates, retaining the old numbers, but now sporting the website at the bottom and Avery Sheeting.

These were probably issued up to S/G29599, then skipped to S/G30000 to avoid scattered numbers issued to State Highway Administration passenger cars in the intervening range.

Our high for the original type is S/G30274. It now appears that shortly after that number range, the state reversed to the 01234S/G format around late July 2014.

The state seal appears at the far left of the plate on the new, reversed format Local and State Govt plates.


684 32B

Glen Doughney - Oct 11 ’24

Still on crest base with website.

Website started at 375 00B High without is 374-99B. Christopher F. reports seeing a taxi with an Agriculture plate.

Taxi plates also appear on the Chesapeake plate in the reverse format.

Taxis that use Maryland's Agriculture license plates share the same serial format as regular passenger cars, trucks, & multipurpose vehicles.

Temporary (60 Day) new


Jericho Jarvi - Feb 8 ’25

Computer generated Black on White, starting Oct. 2010. These are point of sale issues that are printed by the dealer and wrapped in a protective plastic sleeve. Same fonts and sizes used as Virginia's print on demand temp for state name and serial. Includes year, make, model, color, and VIN of vehicle. Expiration date printed in white on black. Started at T000001. Numbers have progressed into the T suffix. The T suffix was dropped temporarily, so just the number appeared. The change seems to have taken place between 039999T and 040000 (no "T.")

This type is also used for Motorcycle, but printed smaller. The numbers appear to be shared between Pass. and Motorcycle. Now the T has returned.

Tom reports another misprint of 143432 without the T.

From Jeff Ellis: The missing T suffix is a printing error -- the same error resulted in the dropping of the final digit on a number of temp plates in the T000000 format.

Earlier series were Blue on White cardboard.

Z suffix rolled over to A, B, C, D, E, G, H, P. N began to appear after P. F and O were skipped.

Motorcycle Temporary - 72588K (Blue on white like Pass, but MC size)

From Paul Freeze: In addition to the regular sequence of temp tags (now appearing to be somewhere around T81nnnn), I've been noticing odd temp tags since the beginning of the year (4 in the T002nnn range and the current high, all far out of sequence) and saw one the other day with the wrong number of digits (T80852).

Tow Truck

33830TTTow Truck

Glen Doughney - Dec 30 ’24

TT0-000, then 000-0TT, now 00000TT.

High without website: 00694TT

Low with website: 00712TT

TT is constant.

The website has now been replaced with "Tow Truck"

High with website: 06763TT

Low with "Tow Truck": 06918TT

Tow truck plates are now their own class: Class T. Until 2001 or so they were considered a type of truck plate ("E").

Specialty Plates

1910 Vintage


Jeff Ellis - Sep 11 ’15

The official name is the "Maryland 1910 Vintage Registration" plate and the numbering is as follows" VR#####. The Special Vintage Reproduction plates are a nostalgic reproduction of Maryland's 1910 registration plate and are available to most drivers. You can apply on-line through the MVA's website or a KIOSK located at all MVA offices. The plates will be mailed to the vehicle owner. Only vehicles in the following classes are permitted to display Special Vintage Reproduction plates: A (passenger vehicle) EPO (truck one (1) ton or less) M (multi-purpose vehicle) L (historic vehicle) N (street rod) Personalized license plates may also be ordered with the Special Vintage Reproduction plate background. Please note that it takes approximately 4 weeks to receive personalized plates. Special Vintage Reproduction plates may also be issued as a disability plate provided the vehicle owner meets the requirements for obtaining disability license plates. Special Vintage Registration plates will only be available for a limited period of time, and may not be ordered after December 31, 2014.

Low: VR00302

From Jeff Ellis: On Historic versions of this plate, the word "HISTORIC" appears in block letters directly below the state name -- same typeface as state name, but smaller size. Presumably this is true of Street Rod plates as well, but there are still no sightings to corroborate this.

Other formats on this base: Handicapped VR0001&; Historic VL00001; Street Rod VG00001. No sightings of any Street Rod yet, but Handicapped VR0001, and Historic VL00319, were spotted by Tom Castelli. They use Avery sheeting which appears to be the same sheeting used for State Police plates.

From Tom Castelli: Low spotted: VR00156. This may be a political favor plate; I understand these likely started at VR00300.



Glen Doughney - Nov 16 ’24

Introduced July 2001. The Agricultural license plate ("Ag Tag") is an optional issue celebrating Maryland's agricultural heritage, and bearing the slogan "Our Farms, Our Future," and featuring a farm scene on a bright red and yellow background. It is available for passenger vehicles / light trucks / multipurpose vehicles / taxis in an A000000 format. Other formats issued on the same base are Trailer (A900000), Farm Truck (F/T00000), and Handicapped (00000A/E).

Tom Castelli reports A000052 as a low.

Hologram threads started at A221000.

All 3M through A246xxx. A247xxx all Avery. A248xxx and A249xxx mixed Avery and 3M. A250xxx all Avery.

Month of an Avery SecureMark code can be determined by subtracting the number of circles arrayed in a diamond pattern around the year from twelve. Eleven circles = January; ten circles = February, ... zero circles = December.

Military and Veteran Plates

Former Series (still valid)

1986 Series

4GD J77

Jeff Ellis - Jul 17 ’12

This base began issuance in February, 1986, replacing the previous base. Although it is not currently being issued, it will return, and all plates of this type continue to be revalidated.

Maryland used New Jersey dies for a short period on some plates. Joseph reports that the reason for the temporary change to NJ dies was that plate production in the Maryland prison was shut down due to violence. So far, only Pass and Multi-Purpose plates have been reported with NJ dies.

8CM X22 is the high with MD dies.

3CN Z46 is the high with NJ dies.

1CP A90 is the low for MD dies after NJ dies.

Jeff Ellis figures NJ dies ran between 1CN A01 and 9CN Z99.

This is the new format for Maryland passenger plates. The previous series ended at MZZ 999. That series started at NAA 001 in February 1986 and progressed through ZZZ 999, then upwards from AAA 001 through MZZ 999. 0 (zero) is never issued as the first character in the new format.

MZZ 999 was issued and spotted by Joseph.

9AK Z95 is the highest pass reported without "" at the bottom.

1AL A01 is the lowest pass plate reported with the new "" at the bottom.

Joseph reports that some 2008 stickers are the wrong color.

Hologram threads are now appearing, having started at 1FC A01.

2010 Series


Eugene Won - May 10 ’22

This general issue base began in June, 2010 for new registrants, but the previous "crest" base is still valid. This new base will only be issued through June, 2015, at which time the state will revert to issuing "crest" plates.

The M/D series appeared first, followed by the A/A series. B/J and B/S were skipped.

0 (zero) is never used in the first position. The lowest plate issued in this series was 1M/D0000.

Switch to Avery Sheeting confirmed low 5 A/G 9000.

The B/J series was skipped.

Chesapeake (1990) Multi-Pur.


Joseph - Aug 6 ’05

AEY 99W was the final plate produced in the Heron multi-purpose series.

When the original Bay plate debuted at the very end of 1990, for a premium price passenger car owners could get Bay plates with a BAY suffix. Somewhat lesser known is that the same deal applied to multipurpose vehicles. Jeff Ellis reports a high of BAY 53A in this rare type.

Chesapeake (2004)


Jericho Jarvi - Sep 13 ’24

This is the replacement for the Heron plate. First available 26 Jan 04. The first series ran through 99999 C/B, then B/Y, then C/A, then C/C, now C/D.

Tiger Joe and Andrew Turnbull report spotting the low for the C/A series, 00001 C/A. The reported low for the C/B series is 00001 C/B.

"Barbed wire" hologram started at 15000C/D.

Switch to Avery sheeting at approximately 08000C/E.

From Jeff Ellis: Background made much bluer beginning 98000C/E; still Avery.