Delaware License Plates

Both types of Commercial, C and C/L, have appeared with either "THE FIRST STATE" or "APPORTIONED" at the top, but the general consensus is that C are generally NOT labeled "APPORTIONED". Moreover, C/L numbers under 100000 are not labeled "APPORTIONED" and C/L numbers 100000 and above ARE labeled "APPORTIONED". When there are exceptions, it usually is dictated by the nature of the vehicle - whether the vehicle does business in other states or not.

A number of Special types in Delaware do not have a true high because the number on them may be chosen by the registrant. Among those plate types are:

AL - American Legion

CA - Caravel Academy

DSU - Delaware State Univ

DU - Ducks Unlimited

CU - Credit Union

LC - Lion's Club

ND - Notre Dame

SA - Salesianum Alumni

UD - Univ of Delaware


black on white, except for black on gold for Centennial plates

Standard Passenger Plates

Non-passenger Plates



JDX - Sep 7 ’22

The original "C" Commercial series ran through C99999. Since the Delaware font at that time did not allow for seven characters, the C/L series (see below) was established as a continuation of Commercial. At some point after the smaller font that allowed for seven characters came into use, the "C" series was expanded into the C100000 and up range.

Commercial plates have returned to the more traditional Delaware font.

Jordan Irazabal reports C999999 on 2009-03-19, but this must be a special request made for someone with connections since the sequential numbers are far lower. Eric Butler reported C552104, but this was most likely another special request since the highest otherwise is only in the C505nnn range.

Here is what has been observed:

C100000 block: C101054 - C103036 reported

C200000 block: C270000 - C271082 reported

C300000 block: C342120 - C394949 reported

C400000 block: C486304 - C499953 reported

C500000 block: C500nnn - C503277 reported

Commercial - C/L


Glen Doughney - Dec 4 ’24

The C/L series is the extension of the C series. When the original Commercial "C" series reached C99999, the C/L series was introduced as a continuation since the Delaware font at the time did not allow for seven digits. Although some people thought C/L was for "Commercial Light", it was simply for "C"ommercia"L".

C/L plates started at C/L 9000. The lowest seen is C/L 9005. Oddly, C/L 302382 was sighted, but it must have been specially issued out of sequence.

Some C/L plates have caption "APPORTIONED" across the top.

Pleasure Commercial


Charlie Li - Dec 12 ’15

P/C plates are issued in blocks, but there is a mystery as to the significance of them. Here is what has been observed:

P/C 1 - P/C 199999 has been issued

P/C 200000 block: 208756 - 232327 reported

P/C 300000 block: 300000 - 305376 reported

P/C 400000 block: 400000 - 499998 reported

P/C 500000 block: Only P/C 502538 reported

P/C 600000 block: 600nnn - 614918 reported

P/C 700000 block: Only one reported

P/C 800000 block: 800001 - 803778 reported

P/C 900000 block: Only two reported

It appears that the few reported numbers in the 500000, 700000, and 900000 blocks were oddballs/special requests.

Specialty Plates

Military and Veteran Plates