Arizona License Plates

For more information about Arizona's latest alphanumeric mashup plate series, see the Arizona License Plate Unscrambler.

Standard Passenger Plates

2008 Series


Wally Punzmann - May 24 ’24

Flat, with seven characters.

Low: AAA0039

By at least ADY0325, the characters are now shifted back to the center of the plate. The change probably took place at ADY0001. Arizona bans frames that cover the state name.

In 2020, a new alphanumeric format was adopted (see "2020 Series"). It had been posited that the series would end at CVZ, but further sightings in CW- and CX- have cast doubt on this hypothesis.

Non-passenger Plates

Alternative Fuel - Hybrid

417 LN2

Wally Punzmann - Feb 23 ’16

Discontinued as of 5/16/2008. See notes below. This issue reached the 10,000 mark, which was the original projected cutoff point. 99L N77 is the reported embossed high under the original hybrid program.

Low for this type: 00L N02 Wally Punzmann 2013-05-01

The hybrid program has been revived and extended to an additional 2500 applicants. The new plates are of the same design but are now flat and in the 123 LN4 format.

Low for this type (flat): 000 LN4

New Type; on Alt. Fuel cloud base, Black on White Hybrid sticker centered between the letters.

From Eric Sivertsen:

Hybrid plates are now in a pilot program, not to exceed 10,000 plates, only for use on Honda Insight, Toyota Prius, and Honda Civic Hybrid. These hybrid plates will allow the drivers, even if alone, to use the HOV lanes in and around Phoenix.

Hybrid plates are also available with a Disability symbol added. They are on the same graphic base as Alt. Fuel plates with the clouds, but the wheelchair symbol takes the place of the first digit. Wally Punzmann reported 0L N01, which is the lowest possible for this type. The current high is 1L N76. This pilot program can be ended at any time with no notice, and users of this plate (should that happen) will be issued a new plate at no cost.

There is also a Government Alternative Fuel plate. See Government (below)



Quinn Iuliano - Jan 29 ’25

APPORTIONED silkscreened lower right, where GRAND CANYON STATE normally is. All plates use a two-letter prefix starting in 1996 with AA then to AB and so on up to the present. Some letters like AC and AF were intentionally skipped. Plates changed from embossed to flat in 2008 as observed by Paul Petrinovich:

Embossed high: AD-51932 2014-08-14

Flat low: AD-53569 2013-12-16



Clark Wothe - Jan 31 ’25

As of June 2020, Commercial plates use the Generic Specialty (7) format.

From Wally Punzmann: The commercial plates switched back and forth between embossed and flat over a long interval. Flats first appeared in the CF-20000's; lowest flat seen - CF-20703 CF-20000's - both embossed and flat CF-21000's - all embossed CF-22000's and CF-23000's - both embossed and flat CF-24000's through CF-31000's - all embossed; highest embossed seen - CF-31151 CF-32000's - all flat; lowest flat resumed - CF-32023, all higher plates are flat.



VΓ­ctor Ramirez - Sep 26 ’23

Flat A new Dealer style appeared in April, 2014. Β  Flat, white on plain blue background, VEHICLE DEALER on the bottom. From Wally Punzmann: Β  The old graphic high is still DL-2E85, and it appears that the new blue started where the old graphic left off. It looks like they ran through the rest of the DL prefix numbers, then after DL9Z99 flipped to 0A01DL and up from there. Most of the letters in the DL prefix format have been spotted, including at least K, L, M, P, R, T, X, Y, and Z. DL prefix low: DL0K08 DL prefix high: DL9Z53 With the DL suffix, all the letters from A - H have been spotted, but none higher so far. DL suffix low: 1A29DL DL suffix high: current high The numbers were all over the place because they were all issued at once, and hit the streets in about a two week period, replacing all the old dealer plates. These plates are for all automobile dealer types, new and used, regardless of DL prefix or suffix. Sunset graphic high: DL-2E85 New Dealer Low (DL prefix): DLnKnn DL prefix High: DL3Z47 DL suffix Low: 1A29DL DL suffix high: Β current high sighting



Walter Moneypenny - Sep 21 ’24

As of June 2020, Government plates use the Generic Specialty (7) format.

Previously, there were 3 varieties of flat government plates:

  1. Flat w/ dash separator
  2. Flat w/ space (no separator) (shown as No dot low & high)
  3. Flat w/ dot separator

Embossed high: G-955FG

Flat low: G-053FH

It appears the break between embossed and flat was 999FG/001FH.

Low dash: G-053FH

High dash: G-565FT

No dot low: G 002FV

No dot high: G 976GD

Dot low: G-597GE

Dot high: see current high listing



Manny Chan - Mar 3 ’24

Now flat.

High embossed is M/C B89Z.

Low flat is M/C C39A.

Change most likely occurred at M/C B99Z - M/C C01A.

After M/C ZZ9Z came M/C A1AA


M/C A1AA to M/C A9AA

M/C A1AB to M/C A9AB, etc. to M/C Z9ZZ

M/C 0A1A to M/C 9Z9Z

M/C A01A to M/C Z99Z

M/C AA01 to M/C ZZ99

M/C 001A to M/C 999Z

M/C 00A1 to M/C 99Z9

A001 M/C to Z999 M/C

0A01 M/C to 9Z99 M/C

00A1 M/C to 99Z9 M/C

0 M/C A1A to 9 M/C Z9Z

0 M/C 1AA to 9 M/C 9ZZ

AA M/C 1A to ZZ M/C 9Z

00 M/C 1A to 99 M/C 9Z

00 M/C A1 to 99 M/C Z9

A M/C 1A1 to A M/C 9Z9

A M/C AA1 to A M/C ZZ9

A M/C A1A and up

Zero is now being used for the first time since 1980.

State owned Motorcycle/ATV: 5777 S/A spotted by Willie C. Brock, Jr. on 2015-06-18. No stickers on State plates.



VΓ­ctor Ramirez - Nov 2 ’24

Has description of the vehicle, year, make and model as part of the tag, not written or stamped on. Number is computer printed on tag. Started at A000001 and went through A999999, then reversed and started over at 000001A through 999999A, then B000001 to B999999, then reversed in 000001B format, then C000001 through C999999, then reversed in 000001C format, after 999999C, flipped to D000001.

From Wally Punzmann: Before the Temporary D prefix series reached D10000, it appears the D prefix was discontinued and superseded by the A prefix series, starting at A000001. Contrary to what was previously reported, they are printed in the recently started narrow font, Oddly enough, the Temporary T series is still being printed in the older wide font. D prefix high: D09611.

Used for newly purchased vehicles, both new and used.

Other Temporary types:

Paper tags with 6 digits and "S" suffix. Originally started with S, but after reaching S990999 they now end with S.

S high: 999705S

Note: The S suffix series has progressed to the T prefix series.

T high: T736314

ZA and ZB prefix temporaries have also been seen.

Z high: ZB551477

These have a different font with long skinny numbers and letters. It is possible that this type is used for car rental companies. Legend is "90 Day IRP Allocated Plate" and this type has been seen on rental cars. RT62225 was also spotted in this type on a new rental car.

Also reported - 2W359D with "Service Arizona" (the online DMV) on top.

As if Arizona needs yet another type of Temporary, 9Z846D was reported.

283PD6 and 528XD4 were also reported. These are a 30 day with the plate type indicated in small type at the bottom.

77N2088 was reported as a 90 Day Non-Resident Temporary Permit.

Just how many Temporaries does Arizona need??? Maybe at least one more. Eric Sivertsen reports PU4440 as a 30 day General Use Temp. Permit. Wally Punzmann updates this type with D772X8.

Restricted Use 3-Day Permit: PZ99890

Now we have another type reported by Michael Smith. 4934 AAAA - Paper tag with MVD in top left corner. This # printed with this spacing in upper middle. Underneath is make model and year of vehicle.

Willie reports 8B08D2 on 2015-03-23. Another new type?



Wally Punzmann - Oct 23 ’20


Embossed high: T-69844

Low flat: T-70008

U series skipped (U is not used)

X and Z series skipped

After Y-99999, the series advanced to 00001-N. After 99999-N, the series advanced to 00001-T. The highest T suffix plate reported has been 20747-T by Willie C. Brock, Jr. on 2012-10-09. For some reason unknown to us, Arizona then switched to the A suffix series, discontinuing the T suffix series.

Trailer Dealer: TR-4586 "Dealer" does not appear on the plate, but "PERM DLR" appears on the blue on white sticker used on the plate in the upper right. Still embossed.

Keith Foreman reports V33992 flat with no spacing on a semi-trailer.

Trailer - small plate


Brady B. - Jun 12 ’21

This is the smaller m/c size trailer plate. These plates usually have a white on black PERM sticker.

The order of issuance of these is uncertain, but here are the configurations that have been observed so far:

F12H3, 1FH23, 1F2H3, 12HF3, H12F3, 0H1F2, G12H3, D12A3, now 1A2D3 series. There is also a 1D2A3 series, and a 1D2E3 series. The latest configuration seen is 12AD3.

The FH appears to have been constant until one configuration with HF appeared. All of the FH and HF plates observed have been embossed. It also appears that GH is now being used in the G12H3 format, and it is undoubtedly the newest and current configuration since it is flat, although flat plates are now appearing in the 12HG3 configuration, which may be even newer. One such plate is known to have been issued in 12/09. H34G4 has been reported, so this may be the latest format.

Eric Sivertsen reports MVD figures showing 6,742 of these plates in use as of 10/31/08. Eric also reported 4G4H7, but we are uncertain as to where it fits in the mystery progression.

Feb. 2014 update: Trailer - small plate has a new format now; 4 numbers and an A suffix, followed by a B suffix.

Truck - Tractor


Wally Punzmann - Jan 8 ’21

After 1TZ-999, resumed with 5TA-001 on up.

1TP series flat, 1TN series was embossed.

Embossed high: 1TN-882

Low flat: 1TP-001 (likely the first flat)

Although they began with 3TA with the 1973 base, the maroon base began by the 3TL series. Similar to the Bus/Taxi series, at 3TZ-999 the maroons moved on to 4TA-001 and proceeded up to 4TK-500. The graphic base began at 4TK-501 and ran to 4TZ-999. After that, they started with 1TA-001 and proceed upwards.

Specialty Plates

Arizona State University


VΓ­ctor Ramirez - Dec 24 ’23

Now flat

Embossed high: D8591

Flat Low: D8620

Began in A series. Justin Beus spotted A0003, which is our low. The owner told him he got it the day they came out.

After B9999, some early C plates were issued by mistake for ASU. The C series is used by Pet plates, but only about 150 C plates were issued for ASU and the MVD reports that none of them duplicate Pet plates. None have been recalled as yet. ASU plates jumped to the D series to avoid that overlap. Wally spotted C0094. Eric spotted C0087 and C0194. Justin spotted ASU plate C0202, and also Pets plate C0222, narrowing the overlap to about 20 plates.

ASU - Disability - a new type with a wheelchair logo followed by registration characters. High: BD9A reported by Willie C. Brock, Jr. on 2016-02-15.

Clark reports that a new design came out in Oct. 2010. The new design began at F0701. This type is still issued in pairs. F0701 was spotted by Justin Beus.

The high for the original type is F0642.



VΓ­ctor Ramirez - Jul 29 ’24

First available 1/31/2010. Arizona Cardinals


Upon reaching 99FB99, the series changed to 000FB0.

After 999FB9, it changed to 0FBA01. The format then changed from 9FBZ99 to FB0A01, and then 0000FB, then F0000B. Now issuing FB00A1.

Eric Sivertsen reports seeing 00FB51, which is the first plate of the series available to the public since the first 50 plates are reserved for VIPs of the organization. Ted Martin spotted 00FB02 and 00FB03 (the second and third plates issued) at a pre-season game in 2014.

Disability: 18FB3 2016-01-07 Willie C. Brock, Jr.

Disability low: 00FB1 (The lowest possible)



VΓ­ctor Ramirez - Nov 25 ’23

Centennial plates went on sale Oct. 31, 2011. The specialty plate is only $25 with $17 of that benefiting the Arizona Centennial 2012 Foundation, a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization dedicated to education and recognition of Arizona's 100 Years, according to an Arizona Centennial Commission news release.

Original series: A0001Z - A9999Z Series has advanced to A0001C.

Centennial - Disability: A080Z Disability sign to the left of the numbers

Families of Fallen Police Officers


VΓ­ctor Ramirez - Sep 15 ’23


Original design had background with the yellow and red "sunburst" from the state flag with a police officer silhouette on the right, but the red sunburst has been dropped to make the plate easier to read.

Low: FP00004

High with old design: FP05483

Low with new design: FP05511

Families of Fallen Police Officers - Handicapped: 0206FA

Low: 0029FA

Foreign Consul


Willie C. Brock, Jr. - Dec 21 ’14

On the graphic base with the older large dies. Looked like a newly issued plate but the old dies haven't been used in years. Eric Sivertsen reports seeing 40 with the newer dies, so it was either a replacement or a reissue. Eric also reports 33 on the old gold on brown base, as well as 14 on the current base, embossed. Clark Wothe reports 64 with new embossed dies on a newly issued plates, so they appear to be reissuing old numbers. Justin Beus reports 65 and 71 on the old base.

An update from Eric: Honorary Foreign Consul plates 97, 98 & 99 are in mint condition on the storage shelf at the Florence prison complex plate factory. The Arizona members who went on the factory tour a few months ago were able to see these. The current graphic plate, but with the larger old dies.

After the graphic embossed series ended at 99, a flat plate desert-scene HFC plate with a red logo and a 12HFC3 format appeared, presumably starting at 00HFC1. These started appearing in early 2013.

From Clark Wothe: There is yet ANOTHER variety of this plate. The number above is still flat but now the logo on the left is gone, and the plate number is center justified in red letters (instead of the usual dark green.)



Walter Moneypenny - Aug 22 ’24


This is a new style with a big US flag across it. 1FR2345 sequence, beginning with zero in first position on first series. The first plate in the issue was 0FR0001 and was spotted by Eric Sivertsen.

Low: 0FR0447

Embossed high: 0FR9993

Flat low: 1FR0041

Freedom Disability: 01FR37 (embossed with small wheelchair logo to left of serial)

Justin Beus spotted a personalized Freedom Disability that was flat with the wheelchair logo to the right of the serial.

Freedom Motorcycle low: 002F

Freedom Motorcycle high: 2779F (flat)

Justin Beus got a photo of 1FR0000, which was the last embossed plate of this type.

Phoenix Suns


VΓ­ctor Ramirez - Dec 24 ’23

From Wally Punzmann: Phoenix Suns plate has a new design with a black background and Phoenix Suns logo to the left of the plate number. New number format as well, PX1234.

Low: PX0003 reported by Ken Tuc.

Old Phoenix Suns design (orange background) high: 0PS4803

0PS0006 reported as a low by Justin Beus.

Disability: 00PS03

Disability (new design): PX012

Military and Veteran Plates

Veteran - Disability


Jacco Hoekstra - May 7 ’21


Progression: progression after V/T numbers: 1R2C3, 1C2R3, 12R3C, 12C3R, 1S2C3, 1C2S3, 12S3C, 12C3S, 1R2B3, 1B2R3, 12R3B, 1D2R3, 12D3R, 123DR, 12DR3, 1D23R, 12R3D

High embossed: 12R1C

Low flat: 85R6C

Justin Beus reports another format, and the first plate of that series: 0C0R1 on 2010-01-12.

Veteran - Disability Motorcycle: 1ZT (wheelchair symbol before registration number) This is a fifth series plate. The first series configuration was T01, second was 0T1, third was 01T, fourth was AT1, fifth is 1AT.

Former Series (still valid)

1980 Series

NXG 177

Clark Wothe - Aug 27 ’02

Maroon plates were first issued in pairs in 1980 in the AAA-001 series and up. Pairs continued until around the ETT series. ETT-374 reported as the highest pair seen on the road. Arizona issued only single plates for regular passenger after that, but some other types (such as personalized and Environment) continued to be issued in pairs.

2020 Series


Wei Di - Mar 31 ’22

Starting April 15 2020, the previous AAA0000 format was abandoned and the passenger registration format switched to this mashup of letters and numerals.

Simultaneously, most distinctive formats for specialty plates (e.g. "AG" for Agriculture, "AH" for Arizona Historical Society, "DB" for Diamondbacks, etc.) were abandoned. Thenceforth, all specialty designs drew from common alphanumeric series of 5, 6, or 7 characters. So, this series is also applied to some specialty plates, such as Environmental, and some non-passenger types.