Alberta License Plates
Annual renewal stickers were dated between 1984 and 2022. Other sticker types included month, red Apportioned, blue handicapped, black "FLEET PR", blue PRP, white permanent trailer. Two-year renewal stickers dated 2014-onwards started appearing in mid-2012. Only the blue PRP sticker for buses and trucks registered in IRP remains in 2024.
Various old six character passenger series notes:
After reaching the end of the YZZ series, the BAA series began. The Z series was not used for Passenger because it was used without vowels for All-Terrain vehicles earlier, but now [2009] it is being used with vowels for Passenger. Andrew Osborne saw a ZGH series plate, so it appears that they may now [2009] be using non-vowel Z series plates beyond the point where the Z series All-Terrain plates ended. The A series was skipped because the early part of the series was used for handicapped plates. The B series seems to be using just vowels so far since the original run of plates in the B through T series omitted vowels. The F series started at FVU, then reverted to FAA, FAB, and up, always with at least one vowel. Alan Bones reported that plates issued in the BSE series were recalled due to the connotation with mad cow disease. The beef cattle industry is an important part of the economy in the province. Those plates had been issued in more than a half dozen communities. Rod Gough reports seeing two cars displaying BSE series plates, but it is unknown if the recall was mandatory.
It appears that plates from ZBA-000 - ZFZ-999 may have been skipped since no Z vowel plates were ever issued to all terrain vehicles.